Dean of Students

Share a Concern

As a member of the Husky community we support each other and take care of our pack. The following forms can be used to ask for additional help and support or to share an issue or concern for another member of our Husky community.

Share a Concern

Report an Incident and/or Concern

This form can be used to report a complaint, concern, or issue. You can use this form if you are unsure where to file a report and it will be routed to the appropriate office or department.

Referral for Student Support

This form is used as a referral to the Huskies Assistance and Care Team and helps connect students to resources. You can refer students to the Huskies Huskies Assistance and Care Team for a variety of reasons including but not limited to:

  • Behaviors of concern
  • Changes in behavior
  • Emotional distress
  • Lack of engagement
  • Navigating a difficult life circumstance or crisis

Report Sexual Violence and Misconduct

This form is used to report an incident of sexual violence and misconduct to the Vice President for Equity and Inclusion & Title IX Coordinator. St. Cloud State University prohibits sexual misconduct of various forms including but not limited to: sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, dating/relationship violence, stalking and related retaliation.

Student Complaint Concerning Faculty

Students can refer to this policy and procedure for resolving complaints or concerns regarding faculty instruction or advising.

Student Academic Program Concerns and Complaints

Students can refer to this policy and procedure for resolving general complaints and concerns regarding a University employee, service, or consumer protection.

Report Academic Integrity Concerns

Faculty should use this policy and procedure to report incidents of academic dishonesty including but not limited to cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, collusion, and scientific misconduct.

Bias Incident Report

A bias incident is an act of bigotry, harassment, or intimidation that is motivated in whole or part by bias based on an individual or group's actual or perceived identity. Reports or incidents can be reported via the Bias Incident Report or directly to the Office of Institutional Equity and Access (OEA) where it will be reviewed by OEA staff to ensure no other process needs to be initiated (i.e., 1.B1, 1.B3, 1C02, Code of Conduct).