Minnesota Municipal Clerks Institute (MMCI)

 May 6-10, 2024

Registration coming soon 

Online Registration 

Invoice/Check Registration

The Minnesota Clerks and Finance Officers Association (MCFOA) and St. Cloud State University’s Department of Professional and Continuing Education (PACE) are pleased to present the Minnesota Municipal Clerks Institute (MMCI or Institute) in May of each year. The MMCI is a three-year continuing education program leading to professional accreditation. Each year the Institute consists of a required five-day, 40-hour curriculum, for a total of 120 hours of programming over the three-year period. The MCFOA Board recommends that first-year participants have completed at least 9 – 12 months of employment in a municipal setting before attending the Institute in order to receive a full understanding of the information provided throughout the program.

General Program Description

The MMCI (Institute) is a three-year continuing education program leading to professional accreditation. 

Each year the Institute consists of a required five day, 40 hour curriculum, for a total of 120 hours of programming over the three year period. Once participants have completed the mandatory 120 hour curriculum, they become graduates of the Institute.

This is an exceptional and internationally accredited program, for which SCSU is the only authorized provider in Minnesota. The International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC) has set forth the guidelines and accredits the Institute.

Clerks successfully completing the three year Institute program are awarded 50 points toward the Education requirements of the Minnesota Certified Municipal Clerk (MCMC) designation.  Graduates must apply to the MCFOA for this certification, showing 25 points in the Experience category and 3 years of active membership in the MCFOA in addition to their 50 Education points.

MMCI graduates can also apply for certification from the International Institute of Municipal Clerks for the Certified Municipal Clerk (CMC) designation which requires 60 points in Education and 50 experiences points with two years of active membership in the IIMC.


Why Attend

2024 Registration

Accommodations - Rates

Schedule and Details

Institute Policies


Contact:  Kassidi Andres, kassidi.andres@stcloudstate.edu,320-308-5759

Registration:  Roxann Neu, reneu@stcloudstate.edu, 320-308-4962