The Academy for Co-Teaching and Collaboration

Common Questions

Common Questions About Co-Teaching

Does Co-Teaching Involve Two Teacher Candidates?

How Are Teacher Candidates/Residents Supported During Co-Teaching?

Does Co-Teaching Inhibit Teacher Candidates'/Residents' Abilities to Develop Classroom Management Skills?

Do Teacher Candidates/Residents Get Enough Solo Teaching Time with Co-Teaching?

Does it Take Longer to Co-Plan Lessons with Co-Teaching?

Do Teacher Candidates/Residents Still Gain Experience with Writing Lesson Plans?

How Does Co-Teaching Prepare Teacher Candidates/Residents for “Real World” Classrooms?

Does Co-Teaching Work at the Level of Secondary Education?

Does Co-Teaching Require the Teacher Candidate and Mentor Teacher to Share the Same Learning or Teaching Style?

Should the University Supervisor Only Observe the Teacher Candidate/Resident When They Are Solo Teaching?