Analytics and Institutional Research


Access Qualtrics

Requesting a Qualtrics Account

Complete the Qualtrics Account Request Form. Requests are reviewed on a weekly basis.

University Qualtrics Administrators

Holly Evers

Usage Guidelines

  1. The use of Qualtrics is limited to university-related work. Using Qualtrics for third party, for-profit, or not-for-profit organizations is not allowed, nor is personal use not related to the University.
  2. Use of Qualtrics is subject to the same acceptable use policies as other St. Cloud State computing resources as set forth by Information Technology Services. Users must comply with all other applicable university policies and state and federal laws.
  3. Qualtrics users are responsible for following St. Cloud State Institutional Review Board (IRB) processes.
  4. Qualtrics users will protect the privacy and confidentiality of human subjects and other institutional information as required by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). For more comprehensive information, please visit St. Cloud State’s FERPA page or the Department of Education's FERPA page.
  5. The St. Cloud State University logo may be used only when surveys are administered as part of official University business. Users can reference St. Cloud State’s guidelines on logo use.
  6. Proper authorization is required for use of any copyright material or third party logo used in the survey. Please refer to St. Cloud State’s copyright policy.
  7. Employees are responsible for general oversight of acceptable and responsible use of Qualtrics among their students in accordance with university policies.
  8. St. Cloud State's Qualtrics administrators will routinely monitor the volume of surveys and survey respondents for system management purposes. Usage may also be subject to auditing and security testing.
  9. Qualtrics will archive and retain surveys instruments and survey responses indefinitely. However, users are responsible for archiving their data to other media such as a local hard drive prior to expiration of their Qualtrics accounts. St. Cloud State is not responsible for archiving data.
  10. St. Cloud State reserves the right to change, at any time, at its sole discretion, the St. Cloud State Qualtrics offering and these guidelines and procedures.


The surveys created or the responses supplied using the St. Cloud State Qualtrics Survey Software do not in any way constitute official St. Cloud State content. The views and opinions expressed in surveys created with Qualtrics are strictly those of the survey's primary author. St. Cloud State makes no representations or warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, as to the St. Cloud State Qualtrics Survey Software operation or the information, content or materials included.

To the full extent permissible by applicable law, St. Cloud State hereby disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including by not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for any particular purpose. St. Cloud State will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from the use of or inability to use Qualtrics Survey Software. The user expressly agrees to use Qualtrics Survey Software solely at his/her own risk.

Account Expiration

Employee accounts will not be configured to expire. However, University Qualtrics Administrators will perform annual audits on account usage. Any account which has been inactive for 18 months or more will be disabled. Employee accounts will be disabled when employees are separated from the University.

Student accounts will have an expiration date. By default, the expiration date will be set for the last day of the semester during which the student requested access. After the expiration date, the account will be disabled. Contact a University Qualtrics Administrator to access a disabled account.

Support, Training and Survey Design

Qualtrics provides a robust online training and documentation website at After a Qualtrics account has been created, a University Qualtrics Administrator will provide training resources.

For questions regarding survey design and functionality, the Qualtrics Support website should be the first level of support. Please follow the support structure below.

  • Level 0 – User uses online support (
  • Level 1 – User directly contacts Qualtrics support (phone, email, chat)
  • Level 2 – User contacts Brand administrator
  • Level 3 – Brand administrator contacts Qualtrics support
  • Level 4 - Brand administrator contacts Qualtrics Client Success