Advancement & Alumni Engagement

Paige Mallinger ’17, ’19

Clinical Research Coordinator, Children's MN


B.S., Biological Sciences and Human Relations, 2017; M.A., Biological Sciences, 2019

Paige Mallinger oversees the International PPB/Dicer1 Registry and the International OTST Registry. This requires extensive medical knowledge and highly skilled interpersonal communication in order to keep the registries (made up of multiple international pediatric oncologists, pathologists, oncologic radiologists, research scientists and patient families) running smoothly. She is continuing to advance the field of scientific discovery by writing and co-authoring research papers. She has mentored numerous women in STEM, helping them develop the knowledge to rise in the leadership of the scientific community. Her most recent mentee is now the clinical research coordinator at University of California-San Diego, overseeing the OBGYN department research.

"SCSU gifted me with an incredible female mentor who primed me for success. As a female, who chose a course of study in advanced science, SCSU was filled with invaluable opportunities." - Paige Mallinger ’17, ’19


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