Institutional Review Board (IRB)

Protocol and Forms

Protocol Application Form



A protocol is the precise and detailed design for conducting a research study; specifically, it is the study plan submitted to an IRB for review. The protocol is the application mechanism to request IRB review and approval.

Participant recruitment and data collection cannot begin until you receive an approval letter from the IRB.

Informed Consent

Informed consent is the communication process of providing a potential research subject with adequate information for consideration of participant.

The consent process

Types of informed consent

Required information in consent form

Consent form template and examples


Common Templates available for IRB use.

SCSU Audio/Photograph/Video Release

Deception and Debriefing


Current forms available for submission regarding a human subjects research study.

Cooperative Research

Protocol Revision/Modifications

Continuing Review

Final Report

Other IRB Elements

Other information that may be helpful for your study are included here.

Letter of Cooperation


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