Student Accessibility Services

Faculty and Staff

Syllabus Statement

Sample paragraph to include in your Syllabus:

An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer, and educator, St. Cloud State University is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination in employment and education opportunity and works to provide reasonable accommodations for all persons with disabilities.

If you have a disability, or think you may have a disability, you may want to contact Student Accessibility Services to begin the conversation or request official accommodations. Visit the Student Accessibility Services website for more information or contact them at 320-308-4080 or Room 202 of Centennial Hall.

Student Accessibility Services works with students with disabilities and faculty members to identify reasonable accommodations. If you have previously been approved for accommodations through Student Accessibility Serves, please contact me so we can develop an implementation plan together.

Accommodation Process

  • Student Accessibility Services is St. Cloud State’s program that provides accommodations for students with disabilities. The goal of Student Accessibility Service is to support students with documented disabilities in getting equal access to SCSU courses, programs, and events through a collaborative process to provide appropriate and reasonable accommodations. 
  • After a Semester Accommodation Request is approved, Accommodation Letters will be emailed to notify professors of any students who have approved accommodations. Please read over the attached documents as these will be helpful for you in better understanding their accommodations. We welcome any questions or concerns you may have. Below are some commonly used forms and procedures you may see:
    • Testing Accommodations for students who receive a reduced distraction environment and extended time on timed assessments.

Captioning Videos

In the event that you receive a notification from SAS that there is a student that requires closed captioning, please review course materials to ensure they are captioned. The publisher/content owner may have a captioned version available. If there is not a captioned version available, please connect with a librarian at to find alternative media or submit a request for captioning.

Other Resources

Critical Accessibility Supports for Remote Instruction
Designing an online accessible course (University of Arkansas Partners for Inclusive Communities)
Disability Accessibility Resource (D2L accessibility)
Faculty Room Resource Guide
Universal Design-Do-It-Resource

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