May 2000 Saint Cloud Weather Summary
This Month's Daily Statistics
DATE: 5 June 2000 SUBJECT: More rain but not enough St. Cloud May 2000 and Spring 2000 Weather Summary
Rains finally came to much of Minnesota during May 2000 and St. Cloud was no exception. Almost three inches of rain fell at the St. Cloud Municipal Airport this past month, but this still left St. Cloud slightly below normal in monthly rainfall and more than an inch behind for the spring season (March 1-May 31). The shortfall is still a problem, especially considering last fall's two and a half inch rainfall. Still, the current pattern at least holds the promise of continued periodic rainfall.
May began much like the previous two months: with a hot spell the first week. Five record warm temperatures were broken during May 5-7 and the high temperature averaged more than 82 degrees during May 1-7, including a 91 on May 5. However, thunderstorms broke the heat on the 7th and 8th, dropping nearly an inch of rainfall. Showers from the next storm system produced another .73 inch on the 9th and 10th. This rain was a by-product of a cooler pattern, which kept the storm track over Minnesota or further to the south. The changed pattern produced many clouds, some showers, and much cooler weather. Still, the rain of May 27-28 produced the only other substantial rainfall during the month (.83 inch).
The cooler weather during the second two-thirds of the month brought the average May temperature down, but St. Cloud still ended up a little more than 2 degrees above normal for the month. Still, there were only 8 days out of the final 24 which had highs of 70 degrees or higher. The drier conditions still allowed one record tying low of 28 on the 19th, which also appears to mark the last frost of the cold season.
The spring totals still produced an average temperature of almost four degrees above normal, the 11th warmest in the 118 years on record in St. Cloud. While March 2000 was the 3rd warmest March on record, both April and May were well above normal also. Each month also had below normal rainfall, so the spring total still shows a total rainfall of more than an inch below normal. Only 3.3 inches of snow fell during the spring, leaving the 1999-2000 total snowfall at 28.1 inches, more than 17 inches below normal.
MAY 2000 STATISTICS MAY 2000 NORMAL TEMPERATURE Average High 70.3 68.4 Average Low 45.6 43.4 Average Temp 58.0 55.9 Warmest high temperature 91 on the 5th (record; see below) Coldest high temperature 48 on the 13th Mildest low temperature 64 on the 5th (record; see below) Coldest low temperature 28 on the 19th (tied record; see below) DAILY TEMPERATURE RECORDS Record Warm Highs 91 on the 5th (old record: 89 in 1918, 1937) 87 on the 6th (tied record set in 1918) Record Mild Lows 64 on the 5th (old record: 61 in 1926) 62 on the 6th (old record: 61 in 1939) 59 on the 7th (tied record set in 1926) Record Cold Lows 28 on the 19th (tied record set in 1981) RAINFALL (in) 2.96 3.16 Most in 24 hours 0.81 on the 27th SPRING STATISTICS SPRING 2000 NORMAL Average High Temperature 58.1 53.7 Average Low Temperature 34.3 31.0 Average Temperature 46.2** 42.3 Total Melted Precip(in) 5.57 6.92 **11th warmest spring on record

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