SCSU Survey

Dr. Monica I. Garcia-Perez

Professor Mónica García-Pérez joined St. Cloud State in 2009. She completed her Ph.D. in economics at the University of Maryland, College Park. She also studied at University College London where she was awarded a Master of Science in Economics.

Previously, she was employed as a researcher at the U.S. Census Bureau where she managed long micro databases and several surveys on population demographics and industries. Her research interests include the economics of immigration, minority group income differences, entrepreneurship rates among these groups, self-employment, health economics and, overall, all topics related to empirical microeconomics.

Among the specialized classes she teaches, she enjoys teaching labor economics, econometrics, economics of immigration and health economics. Additionally, she has worked on topics related to development and growth in developing countries. She has published in “American Economic Review P&P,” “Theoretical Economic Letters” and “Demography” among others. Her work has also been covered by national and international media.

Professor García-Pérez is also the director of the St. Cloud State Faculty Research Group of Immigrant Workers in Minnesota.