University Library

University Library Strategic Plan


Our mission is the success of our students. We support every student in the pursuit of their education by providing dynamic services, relevant collections, and collaborative learning spaces that foster an inclusive environment, intellectual discovery, and curiosity.


We provide an essential service by enriching the intellectual life of the campus communities.


  • Knowledge
    • We cultivate the library as a physical and virtual learning environment.
    • We celebrate truth and intellectual freedom by fostering scholarly inquiry and communication.
    • We enhance student success through diverse resources and services, and innovative teaching.
  • Community
    • We provide a welcoming and inclusive place for study, research, work, reflection, and interaction.
    • We offer a supportive environment for creativity, flexibility, and collaboration.
    • We champion diversity in perspectives, opinions, and ideas.

Goal Area 1: Communication, Outreach, and Engagement

Goal Area 2: Discovery, Collections, and Services

Goal Area 3: Digital and Physical Spaces and Collaboration

Goal Area 4: Diversity, Educational Roles, and Leadership

Goal Area 5: Professional Values and Development