University Library

Courses and Curriculum

A goal of the University Library’s teaching and curriculum efforts is to help students become efficient, effective, and independent researchers who think critically while gathering, utilizing, and creating a variety of information resources. The library’s curricular activities encompass credit courses, embedded librarian partnerships, course-specific information and digital literacy instruction, along with a suite of research services.

Student Learning Outcomes

The library’s student learning outcomes are based primarily on the Association of College & Research Libraries’ Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education (2015) and Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education (2000), as well as the Association of American Colleges & Universities’ Information Literacy VALUE Rubric and St. Cloud State's Our Husky Compact.

Students will:

  • Articulate a topic for sustained academic research through an investigative process.
  • Develop and employ search strategies and modify these strategies as necessary.
  • Integrate the original ideas of others through proper attribution in their work.
  • Apply critical thinking skills to evaluate diverse information sources.
  • Explain how economic and social barriers exist that limit information access.
  • Discuss how social identity and personal bias relate to the selection and use of information.

LIB Courses

LIB courses are taught as stand-alone sections as well as corequisites with courses from other departments and units. LIB classes are offered in person and online.

LIB 180: Introduction to Academic Research

Understand the dynamic nature of academic research, including developing a research process, locating scholarly resources, and organizing scholarly information. (1-3 credits)

LIB 280: Critical Thinking in Academic Research

Examine and evaluate critical reasoning in academic discourse and discussions, the construction of arguments, and the management of academic research. (3 credits; fulfills Goal Area 2: Critical Reasoning)

LIB 290: Social Media in a Global Context (Diversity)

Examine social media, its impact on global cultural evolution, and its use in research, analysis, and communication. (3 credits; fulfills Goal Area 8: Global Perspectives)

LIB 490/590: Digital Storytelling

Traditional storytelling juxtaposed to digital storytelling to improve oral, writing, research and technology skills. Combines aspects of the narrative structures that make-up the story, history, and mystery of our lives and our participation in society. (3 credits)

View LIB courses in the University Catalog

Visit the Course Schedule for current offerings.

Non-Credit Information and Digital Literacy Instruction

Library faculty work closely with students and university faculty to provide customized learning opportunities.

  • Research Instruction for Classes
    Work with a librarian to schedule library or technology instruction or to request a course guide customized for a specific class or research assignment.
  • Ask a Librarian
    Consult with a librarian in a variety of ways including individual or small-group research consultations as well as 24/7 chat, email, and phone research assistance.