Department of Human Relations and Multicultural Education

Student Resources

Learning about various racial, cultural (including women, people with disabilities, lesbian/gay/bi/transgender, religiously oppressed persons/communities) and economic groups is an important part of our department. We’ve compiled a list of sites so you can learn more about topics that pique your interest.    

Activist sites

Legislative Organizing


Alternative News and Media Outlets

Anti-Discrimination Resources (Multiple Issue)

Non-violence and Hate Crimes Resources (Multiple Issue)

African-American Resources

Asian Pacific Islander Americans Resources

American Indian Resources

Jewish Resources

Latino/a, Chicano/a Resources

Arab and Muslim Resources

Women/Feminist Resources

LGBT Resources

Disability Rights Resources

Physical Appearance Equality Resources

Poverty and Class Issues

Resources for Challenging Corporations

Global Justice/Peace Resources

Environmental Resources

Animal Rights Resources

Food Safety Resources

Grant Writing Resources

Congressional Contacts