Employment Procedures

Position Descriptions

In an effort to better manage and maintain current position descriptions, the Human Resources department has collected electronic position descriptions to be maintained internally.To access the current St. Cloud State University position descriptions, please contact the Human Resources office manager at humanresources@stcloudstate.edu

For instructions on how to create new or update existing Position Descriptions (PDs), refer to the appropriate section of this website (MSUAASF, Administrator or Classified).

Following are some general reminders regarding position descriptions:

  • Positions descriptions may be created by the employee or supervisor; however, they must be approved by the supervisor, reviewed and approved by the Vice President or President as required, and approved by the Human Resources department.Substantial changes require a review by the Human Resources department. Position descriptions must be well-written using current Forms.
  • Position descriptions are public data and if poorly written, they could open the employee or department to public scrutiny.
  • HR must also evaluate positions correctly for placement in the appropriate bargaining unit or plan.
  • Position descriptions must not be too general or incomplete; they should not be written or tailored to an individual, but should focus on the position.
  • The Human Resources department will return incomplete or unsigned position descriptions.
  • HR staff are continuously working to ensure that all position descriptions are current. Supervisors need to review their employees’ position descriptions annually to make sure they are current and accurate. PDs should be updated at every new hire, after any major change to a position, or at least every three years.

Contact HR Business Partner if there are any questions regarding revising a position description at humanresources@stcloudstate.edu or call, x8-3203.


Minnesota State Administrator
