College of Science and Engineering

Transfer Request Form

Transfer of Chemistry and Biochemistry Course(s) Form

Please complete the following form if you have taken any major courses at a different institution and would like us to transfer them to St. Cloud State University. 

Asterisk (*) denotes required field.

Student Information

*First Name: 

*Last Name: 

*Last four digits of SCSU Student ID Number: 

*St. Cloud State Email Address:

Area Code + Phone: 

Course Details

*University where course was completed: 

University Street Address:


*University Website (URL): 

*Course Name:

*Course Number: 

*Number of Credits: 

*Number of hours spent in the lab each week: 

*Did you do any labs online?
 Yes     No   If yes, how many? 

*Select semester and year course was taken:
 Summer    Fall    Spring     Year: 

Course Description: 
(Copy and paste the course description and a link to the course description from the course catalog of the institution.)

Course Syllabus:
(Copy and paste the course syllabus. Or you may email it to the transfer advisor. Enter "For the course transfer" in the email subject line.)

+ Add Another Course

Degree Audit Report (DARS)

Please note that your course must have already been transferred to St. Cloud State University and should show up in your Degree Audit Report (DARS).
(Copy and paste your DARS report to see if the courses in question automatically transferred as equivalent.)

*To route your request to the appropriate advisor, please select the range where the first letter of your last name falls within the alphabet:

Last name begins with letter: A-M

You will be contacted within two weeks by the transfer advisor.

I certify the information I submit is true and correct. Please click the "Submit" button only once.