Campus Map


Campus map - Accessibility

St. Cloud State University is a Tobacco Free Campus. The use, sale, free distribution, or advertising of tobacco (smoking or smokeless) products or any electronic delivery devices used for inhaling or exhaling vapor (e-cigarettes) is prohibited within all University owned, leased or controlled buildings, walkways, arenas, playing fields, and on University owned, leased or controlled property and applies to all employees, students, faculty, vendors, contractors, visitors, and guests. View the full policy ISELF Women's Center Facilities Management Husky Hub Heating Plant SCSU Bookstore Chilled Water Plant Riverview Robert H. Wick Science Building Centennial Hall Headley Hall Ruby Cora Webster Hall Performaing Arts Center James W. Miller Learning Resources Center Lewis House Education Building American Indian Center Richard Green House Stateview Apartments South Stewart Hall Public Safety Center Stateview Apartments North Hill Hall 4th Avenue Parking Ramp Lawrence Hall Atwood Memorial Center Sherburne Hall Whitney House Administrative Services Building Kiehle Visual Art Center Case Hall Garvey Commons Student Recreation Center Herb Brooks National Hockey Center Husky Stadium and Field Benton Hall Stearns Hall Coborn Plaza Apartments Ervin House North Benton Hall Halenbeck Hall Brown Hall Selke Field Halenbeck Hall Mitchell Hall Engineering and Computing Center Shoemaker Hall Coborn Plaza Welcome Center Eastman

For more information about accessibility on campus, check out Student Accessibility Services.


  • Accessible parking
  • Accessible entrance
  • Number of all-gender restrooms (click on building for locations)