Antiracist Pedagogy Across the Curriculum (ARPAC)

Community of Practice

The Antiracist Pedagogy Across the Curriculum Community of Practice (ARPAC CoP) provides ongoing support for faculty members who have been part of any ARPAC cohort. The CoP provides a space for efforts to improve teaching; to support faculty as teachers; and to engage in conversations and investigations of the intersections of race and racism in teaching, classrooms, academic disciplines, departments, and academia, in general.

We encourage all ARPAC cohort members to participate in these meetings, as time allows, to provide support and feedback for each other, share teaching strategies and stories, and continue to strengthen a community of antiracist educators.

Spring 2024 Meeting Schedule

This semester we will be reading and discussing chapters from the book, Anti-Racist Community Engagement: Principles and Practices, edited by Christina Santana, Roopika Risam, Aldo Garcia-Guevara, Joseph Krupczynski, Cynthia Lynch, John Reiff, Cindy Vincent and Elaine Ward.

  • Jan. 19, 2-3:30 p.m. 
  • Feb. 23, 10-11:30 a.m. 
  • April 19, 11am-12:30 p.m. 

All meetings will take place over Zoom. If you need the meeting link, please email Melissa or Darlene.

The ARPAC CoP is sponsored by the Multicultural Resource Center. 

Iyekiyapiwin Darlene St. Clair
Associate Professor, American Indian Studies 
Director, Multicultural Resource Center, 320-308-6476

Melissa Prescott
Professor, University Library
Diversity and Inclusion Librarian 
Associate Director, Multicultural Resource Center, 320-308-4751