
July 1998 Saint Cloud Weather Summary

This Month's Daily Statistics

SUBJECT: Whatever happened to global warming?
July 1998 St. Cloud weather summary

The statistics for St. Cloud during July 1998 indicated a near normal
weather month for the first time in quite a while. However, this was a
result of a hot, humid, wet first two-thirds of the month balancing a relatively
dry and cooler final third.

During the first 20 days of the month, Minnesota was on the edge, if
not within, the blustering air mass which has caused so much misery this
summer in the Southern Plains. The average high temperature for July 1-20 was
83.1 while the average low was 60.5, inclduing the first two 90+ degree days
in St. Cloud since May (13th and 14th). Also, the high humidity in this air
produced 3.18 inches of rain during the first 20 days, including four days
with rainfall of over 0.30 inch (.32 on the 2nd, .54 on the 5th, 1.62 in on
the 14th, and .37 on the 18th). The heavy rain on the 14th was a small taste
of the 6-8 inch rains experienced in the Fergus Falls area before the storm
moved towards St. Cloud. And, St. Cloud missed the activity on the 20th, which
included 100+ MPH winds in St. Peter and at least 6 tornadoes in northwestern
and north central Minnesota.

After that, the upper level flow turned to northwesterly and cooler
and drier air moved in for the balance of the month. The temperature never
rose higher than 84 during this period (avg high: 79.3; avg low: 53.6) and
it was dry enough to actually cause some concern to lawn owners and gardeners
(precip: 0.21 in). Some of the concern about the recent dry weather should
be eased by the wet weather pattern during the first half of this week.

JULY STATISTICS                  JULY 1998              NORMAL
Average high temp                  81.8                  82.6
Average low temp                   58.1                  57.6
Average temp                       70.0                  70.1
Hottest high temp for the month   93 on the 13th
Coolest high temp for the month   74 on the 23rd
Warmest low temp for the month    68 on the 14th
Coolest low temp for the month    48 on the 31st
Records:                          none

Total for month                   3.38                   3.11
Maximum daily amount              1.62 on the 14th

Historic temperature data provided courtesy of the Saint Cloud National Weather Service Office, and NOAA/NWS
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