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St. Cloud State University

You are ready:

Your time is now. To let loose your dreams and your drive. To get a degree in Education that will take you to the next step in your career whether you are looking to lead a classroom or an entire district.

  • Host of the National Conference on Co-Teaching and Founder of the National Association for Co-Teaching
  • Accredited by the Council for Accreditation Educator Preparation and approved by the Minnesota Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board
  • $1.2 million NSF grant is supporting students pursuing a degree in a STEM teaching field
  • Focus on global, urban and rural clinical and field situations
  • Methods courses embed strategies for working with English language learners and students with dyslexia

"To prepare effective educators, the College of Education and Learning Design provides experiences that reach far beyond the classroom with a wealth of opportunities to engage candidates in authentic learning in local and international schools and communities."

— Dr. Jennifer Mueller, College of Education and Learning Design Dean

Working together at St. Cloud State University

The future of teaching

Nationally-recognized for creating, implementing and researching a new approach to student teaching using a co-teaching model. Our graduates are the future of teaching. Our graduates have a reputation across the Midwest for innovative and creative approaches that are prized in the classroom.

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