Office for Institutional Equity & Access

Frequently Asked Questions


Who does this affect?

What does Title IX have to do with sexual misconduct? What is sexual misconduct and what will the university do about it?

What policies are being enforced?

What other information is available?

Who is the Title IX Coordinator?

What about Mandatory Reporting?

If the assault happened while I was under the influence of drugs or alcohol, will something be done if I complain? What if the person who assaulted me was under the influence?

For Witnesses

I work at SCSU but I am a student. Do I have to report what I heard about sexual harassment?

What will happen if I do not report?

For Victims

Does information remain private? Can information be shared confidentially?

Will my parents be told?

Will the accused student know my identity?

What services or assistance does SCSU provide to victims of sexual assault or harassment?

What should I do about preserving evidence of a sexual assault?

How do I get to the St. Cloud Hospital Emergency Trauma Center?

Will a victim be sanctioned when reporting a sexual misconduct policy violation if he/she has illegally used drugs or alcohol?

For Students Who are Accused

What do I do if I am accused of sexual misconduct?