
Takako Seimiya Senn

An artist with international credentials, Takako Seimiya Senn won first prize in the prestigious Tokyo Bunkakaikan Hall Competition in 1993, first place in the Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra’s Solo Concerto Competition to perform in their 2009-2010 season, and continues to be in demand as a soloist and freelance performer.

Takako was selected for a 2001 tour of Japan and a 2008 tour of New York City with the Minnesota Orchestra and has performed in numerous subscription concerts including several recordings.  She has also performed with the Minnesota Opera and many freelance orchestral and chamber ensembles as well as a 2008 production of “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” and a 2009 production of “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers” at Chanhassen Dinner Theatre. She became a member of the Minneapolis Pops Orchestra in 2015.

She earned her Bachelor’s of Music Degree in performance and education at Musashino Academia Musicae, Tokyo, Japan and her Master’s and Doctorate of Musical Arts in Performance at the University of Minnesota.

Takako is a dedicated teacher who has been teaching scores of students in various high schools and music studios around the Twin Cities.  She is currently an adjunct professor of Trumpet at St. Cloud State University as well as Concordia University –St. Paul.  Her teachers and coaches are Manny Laureano, David Baldwin, Ron Hasselmann, Frank Bencriscutto and Isao Fukui.