Applied Behavior Analysis (M.S.)

Requirements and Details

ABA STudent HandbooK Program

Complete admission and program requirements are found in the University Catalog.

The selection committee prefers recommendations by board certified behavior analysts and faculty from whom a candidate has taken courses.

The committee also accepts recommendations from a candidate’s immediate supervisor provided he or she is able to attest to the candidate’s aptitude for graduate training. While the strength of a candidate’s clinical skills will be of interest over time, clinical skills alone are not necessarily tied to one’s ability to successfully complete graduate school.

Relevant work experience involves the development and implementation of behavior analytically-based interventions.

Relevant academic experience includes credit and non-credit instruction in the principles and procedures of applied behavior analysis. Non-credit courses, workshops and conferences also reflect well on an application but are not given the same weight as credit courses.

Competition for limited places in the Applied Behavior Analysis program may require the necessity of a wait list. The wait list decision day is May 15. 

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